Tuesday, July 28, 2009

end of contest and in to summer and my new iphone

okay so last time i bloged was when i was two weeks into the biggest loser contest. Sence then i have won the contest losing 40 lbs all together. It is July 28th and i just had my last day of drivers ed. I can get my license September 5th and then it me and the wide open space of tonasket...lol it will be nice to drive in a car all by my self. After i won the contest i bought an iphone 3gs the brand new one it is 16gb and white. It came with one page of apps and now i have five full pages of apps. It is really nice take asome pictures it has the crystel clear pictures it si 3.0 mega pixals. I really like it. So tomarrow is my last drive of drivers ed. I am really EXCITED because i have all of augest to have fun in the sun. I have spent alot of time at deepbay. i am a fish in the water. Other then taht i have been preatty lazy tho. I also cant wait till assembly i heard it was really good best one ever. So i guess till next time.

I want every one to start commenting and aksing questiions about any thing that is going on in my life.

Here are some of my iphone pics

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